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6 Reasons Why Your Leather Jacket Is Stiff

There are times where we feel our leather jacket a little bit stiff or maybe too much right?, sometimes, so much that is not really enjoyable to use it anymore. Your leather jacket should feature a texture that’s soft and supple. If not, it may rub against your skin to create chaffing. Furthermore, stiff leather jackets are more likely to dry out crack, resulting in permanent damage.

Today we're telling you the 6 reasons why your leather jacket is stiff and how to fix it.

1) It’s Low-Quality Leather

Jackets made of low-quality leather are more likely to develop a stiff texture than jackets made of high-quality leather. This is because different types of leather as well as different tanning processes affect a leather’s texture. Cheap, corrected-grain leather often has a hard, stiff texture. In comparison, premium, full-grain leather offers a softer texture. So, when you go looking for a leather jacket, pay attention to the quality of its leather. Just because a jacket is made of genuine leather, there’s no guarantee that it’s made of high-quality leather. Remember to look for those full grain leather and also remember that imperfections in the leather means that leather is authentic.

2) It’s Stretched

Leather isn’t very elastic. If you stretch it beyond its original shape, it will damage the fabric by making it stiff. The good news is that a leather jacket shouldn’t stretch if it fits properly. The bad news is that many people wear leather jackets that are either too big or too small for their body. And if your leather jacket is too small for your body, it will likely stretch when you wear it, thereby causing a stiff texture. However, you can avoid this by choosing a leather jacket in the right size. If you have to try a lot of them until you find the right one, then do it. Remember that usually leather items are meant to durable.

3) You put it in the Dryer

Never place your leather jacket in the dryer! Assuming it’s made of genuine leather (which it should be), it’s not safe to place in the dryer — no leather garment should be dried. Traditional tumble dryers are too hot and aggressive for leather. When placed in a clothes dryer, a leather jacket will quickly dry out, resulting in a stiff texture that’s not particularly comfortable against your skin. If your leather jacket is wet and needs drying, wipe it off with a clean, dry washcloth or towel. Do not attempt to dry it using a traditional clothes dryer.

4) It’s Stored in a Dry Environment

If you store your leather jacket in a dry environment, you may discover a stiff texture the next time you try to wear it. Leather jackets respond to changes in humidity. If you store your leather jacket in a dry, low-humid environment, for example, it’s more likely to develop a stiff texture. This is due to the fact that leather releases some of its moisture in dry environments. As this moisture is released from the leather, it becomes harder and stiffer. Therefore, you should store your leather jacket in an environment with a relative humidity level of 40% to 50%. This isn’t too humid, nor is too dry. The moderate humidity level will preserve your leather jacket while protecting it from stiffness as well as moisture damage.

5) It Hasn’t Been Conditioned

Conditioning is one of the most important things you can do to your leather jacket. It involves rubbing a leather conditioning product into the leather so that it becomes softer and more moisturized. Leather conditioning products contain water as a base ingredient, as well as other ingredients, that moisture leather. Most experts recommend conditioning leather jackets and garments once every few months to protect them from drying out. If it’s been longer than three months since you last conditioned your leather jacket, you should go ahead and condition it as soon as possible.

6) It’s Too Old

When properly cared for, a high-quality leather jacket can offer countless years of use and enjoyment. But not everyone takes the time and effort to care for their leather jacket, resulting in a shorter lifespan. If this sounds familiar, perhaps your leather jacket has reached the end of its life. While you may be able to make it softer by conditioning it, there comes a point when you’ll need to bite the bullet and replace it with a new leather jacket. A new leather jacket will offer an optimal level of softness and comfort. Most importantly, it gives you the freedom to choose any new color, style or design.