Leather gloves care
Take Care Of Your Gloves
Avoid rain and sources of heat

Our gloving leather is drum dyed for a delightful colour depth but the lack of a sprayed colour finish implies that it is also sensitive to humidity or rain. If your gloves do become wet there are some possibilities that dark stains may appear, especially for brighter colours. Peccary is more tolerant to it than other types of leather but still you need to be careful . We simply recommend you to take off your gloves while it is raining. They can be dried flat at room temperature, if wet. Keep them away from any source of heat, as the leather can dry out and become stiff. If darker stains appear, try to gently rub it with a soft cloth together with some talcum powder. Hopefully the stain will disappear.
Let Your Gloves Rest
Use several pairs of gloves

Our gloves are made from the finest natural materials. But to retain their original appearance, they need to rest from time to time; damp leather wears more quickly than it does when it is dry. Our advice is therefore that where possible you should allow a day between wearings and alternate with other gloves.
Retain The Original Fit
Stretch the glove periodically

Each glove’s elasticity and lengthways stretch is checked by a glove cutter to ensure the perfect fit. After a little while, however, the glove will “flow”, which means that the elasticity is transferred to the glove’s length rather than its width. This is entirely normal. To achieve its original fit, simply stretch the glove over the edge of a table. Hold the fingertips of the glove with one hand and the cuff opening with the other. Then stretch gently with the upper hand against the edge of the table. Repeat for the other fingers. Start at the bottom of the finger and work out to the fingertip with four or five strokes. Finally, do the same with the thumb. The elasticity of the leather will return to original condition created by the glove cutter during the cutting process.