We have some of the most frequently asked questions we've received about our leather and look what our experts have answered to this.
How do I treat my full-grain leather?
Just some leather balm will help get you started. Also, to extend your leather's life, we recommend a deep clean at least twice a year and with leather cleaners specially made for it. Remember to check the pH balance on the bottle.
How do I patina and break in my leather?
Properly dyed leather, like ours, will patina over time. To speed up the process, apply some balm and use your item often. It's like a new baseball glove, the more you use it, the better it'll get.
What exactly is full-grain leather?
It's the highest quality of leather and the only kind we use here on our gloves.
Will leather color fade over time? What do I do if my leather is fading or rubbing off?
Our leather is here to stay, and the color won't rub off over time. In fact, it'll deepen by a shade or two and show off its journey with you. If your leather is fading, it might be a sign to move on to a higher quality leather.
Is veg-tanned leather vegan?
It is not. There are "vegan leathers" out there that are made of polyurethane that can have a significant impact on the environment while having a much shorter lifespan. Once they're ready to retire, they aren't biodegradable and break back down into the plastic particles from which they came. Whether it is vegan or traditional leather, we want you to feel comfortable, well-versed, and proud of your buying decisions.