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The Proper Maintenance For Your Leather Bags

For all fashionistas out there, bags are the ultimate fashion accessory and that's why we're gonna tell you how to make it last forever! not really but, for the longest time possible. However, keeping it clean is important to use it anytime & anywhere. Bags are likely to experience wear and tear often. If your leather bag has experienced the same, it’s high time to take care of it so you can keep it for a long time. The modern-day stress and fast life have made it difficult for us to take care of our things, particularly, leather bags. However, this fashion item needs to be maintained so that it remains your companion for long. Well, you might think that cleaning and maintaining your bag is a task in itself. But this entry will help you discard this notion and know some useful tips to clean your genuine leather bag properly. cleaning leather bag 1
  • Start from the Exterior: The exterior of your leather bag is often subjected to the severities of the external environment. So, it is possible that the exterior of your bag develops wear and tear. We recommend that you should clean your bag from exterior once in a week. You may take a drop of liquid soap and mix it with warm water. Use this to clean the exterior of your leather bag.
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  • Put more attention to the interior: The interior of your purse will keep all your utility tools. Hence, it is possible that the interior succumbs to wear and tear. Empty all the contents of the bag. The corners of the bag are more likely to absorb the maximum dust particles. It’s time to put your vacuum to practice and let it suck all the dust particles. Once the dust has been sucked out, use a cloth dipped in soapy and warm water to clean the inner side of your leather bag.
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  • Remove stains and let it shine again: There can be many stains on your bag. It primarily depends on how you are using your bag. Stains can develop anywhere, exterior or interior of the leather bag. Irrespective of big and small stains, both require equal attention Use a cotton cloth/swab and dip it in alcohol to remove these stains and get back the luster.

Steps to clean your leather bag:

These are some of the steps to clean your leather bag. However, we provide a few quick tips for your reference:

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  1. Never place your bag in the sunlight as it might develop cracks or fade the color.
  2. Opt for cotton cloth or natural sponges to wipe the bag to avoid any scratches.
  3. Try reconditioning the leather of your bag once in 15 days.
  • Mix 1 part distilled white vinegar with 2 parts linseed oil
  • Mix well and apply it all over your bag
  • Keep it for 10 minutes and clean with a cotton cloth
Keeping your leather bag clean and lustrous is definitely a good idea if you’re fashion freak and loves to stay updated to fashion every time. Well cleaning your bag won’t be a big task if you follow the above-mentioned steps. So keep cleaning your bag and stay fashionable!!