Let's say you are on a hunting day or maybe just enjoying a nice camping weekend and you are using your favorite leather boots while exploring this amazing forest and suddenly you find yourself knees up in mud and bad smelling water and etc etc.
Accidents happen all the time. One bad step, one incidental spill, (or perhaps you woke up one day to find your leather bag had an unfortunate tumble into the dumpster), and all of a sudden that chestnut beauty of yore is a rancid gremlin beyond recognition. It’s chill though. Everything has a solution.
Today we're going to learn how to disinfect your beautiful leather items that somehow got a mishap with the dumpster. Remember that uncleanliness is a pretty resilient pest but we are helping you to eradicate it from your leather goods. You'll need soap, alcohol, and bleach.
Follow this steps to disinfect your leather goods
- You'll need to clean your leather Item with a deep powerful cleaner. Try to use non-alcoholic ones but if you have one with alcohol it should work too. Just be careful, because in this trade off the microfibers of your leather goods are the ones losing their properties.
- After the cleaning let it dry in a cool place, far away from direct heat or the sun.
- Just right as is dried you rub a leather conditioner over your leather goods. You’ll need the test it first in a discreet area, of course, to ensure the best results. The same thing with your leather cleaner.
- You might wonder what about the disinfectant part right? well, this step can replace the first one. The truth is that if you want to disinfect your leather you can use a blend of natural alcohol and water. Alcohol, having even greater penetration abilities than water, is able to pull out contaminants rooted very deep within your leather’s matrix, more so than most leather cleaners types.
If, however, you want another way to disinfect your leather here are some tips. Leather’s got a pH value – the measure of acidity or alkalinity – generally around a 4.5, so it’s fairly acidic. The problem with many of your commercial and hospital grade cleaners (Lysol, bleach, etc.) is that they’ve got an alkaline pH level. So what happens is that every time your leather comes into contact with those cleaning agents, a chemical reaction is sparking up while those acidic and alkaline properties try to neutralize each other. I’ll spell it out for you: your leather’s getting messed up. So don't do that and try to find one cleaner with a balanced pH value.
Apart from that, make sure that you always test whatever treatment on your leather before you apply it to the whole thing.